Greater Moncton Wildflower Seed Library

The Greater Moncton Wildflower Seed Library, based on the Ottawa model, is a collective initiative. It stems from a personal goal to restore the relationship between ourselves and the rest of nature, by distributing wildflower seeds to the community, to then restore native plants to the landscape.

Located in Greater Moncton, New Brunswick, on unceded Mi’kmaq territory (Siknikt/Mi’kma’ki), it is built on three pillars :

Provide free access to native plant seeds

Teach people about gardening responsibly

Ask seed recipients to reciprocate the gift of nature 

Current Library

Thanks to a donation from the Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library, we have the species below on catalog. Labels indicate height, sun/shade requirements, and wetness. They also often have the stratification times. Plants with strikethrough text are out of stock.

Visit us at our events to get them!

Next Event

Anaphalis margaritaceaPearly EverlastingAnaphale marguerite
Antennaria neglectaField PussytoesAntennaire négligée
Aquilegia canadensisWild Red ColumbineAncolie du Canada
Cephalanthus occidentalisEastern ButtonbushCéphalanthe occidental
Chelone glabraWhite TurtleheadGalane glabre / tête-de-tortue
Clematis virginianaVirgin’s Bower ClematisClématite de Virginie
Clinopodium vulgareWild BasilSariette vulgaire
Cryptotaenia canadensisCanada HonewortCryptoténie du Canada
Elymus hystrixBottlebrush GrassHystrix étalé
Eupatorium perfoliatumCommon BonesetEupatoire perfoliée
Eurybia macrophyllaLarge-Leaved AsterAster à grandes feuilles
Eutrochium maculatumSpotted Joe-Pye WeedEupatoire maculée
Hypericum punctatumSpotted St-John’s WortMillepertuis taché
Lobelia cardinalisCardinal FlowerLobélie cardinale
Lobelia inflataWild TobaccoLobélie gonflée
Mimulus ringensSquare-Stemmed MonkeyflowerMimule à fleurs entrouvertes
Oenothera perennisPerennial Evening-PrimroseOnagre vivace
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolataLance-Leaved Self-HealBrunelle lancéolée
Schizachryum scopariumLittle BluestemBarbon à balais
Solidago bicolorSilverrodVerge d’or bicolore
Solidago caesiaBlue-Stemmed GoldenrodVerge d’or bleuâtre
Solidago flexicaulisZig-Zag GoldenrodVerge d’or zigzagante
Solidago ptarmicoidesUpland White GoldenrodVerge d’or faux-ptarmica
Symphyotrichum cordifoliumHeart-Leaved AsterAster cordifolié
Symphyotrichum lateriflorumCalico AsterAster latériflore
Symphyotrichum novae-angliaeNew England AsterAster de Nouvelle-Angleterre

Forecast for 2025

Thanks to Ottawa’s example, I was able to forecast how a seed library’s activities look like in one year, following the seasons. Here is a preview of this year!

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