Greater Moncton Wildflower Seed Library

The Greater Moncton Wildflower Seed Library, based on the Ottawa model, is a collective initiative. It stems from a personal goal to restore the relationship between ourselves and the rest of nature, by distributing wildflower seeds to the community, to then restore native plants to the landscape.

Located in Greater Moncton, New Brunswick, on unceded Mi’kmaq territory (Siknikt/Mi’kma’ki), it will be built on three pillars :

Provide free access to native plant seeds

Teach people about gardening responsibly

Ask seed recipients to reciprocate the gift of nature 

Forecast for 2025

Thanks to Ottawa’s example, I was able to forecast how a seed library’s activities look like in one year, following the seasons. Here is a little preview of next year, if all goes according to plan!

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